Placing Calls on Hold

Placing Calls on Hold

How To Place A Call On Hold

While in a call you can press the Hold button to place the call on hold. Most phone models have a Hold softkey. Touch the Hold image on the screen of touchscreen phone models.

Most phone models will also have a Hold button. Use the Hold button method of your choice that is available on your specific phone model.

On a wireless handheld phone model you will press the Options key.

Then use the arrow keys to highlight Hold, and press the OK button.

While on hold the person placed on hold will hear hold music.
The Hold softkey will toggle to Resume the call.

On Yealink phones, the phone that has placed the call on hold will hear a quick "beep beep" every 30 seconds while the call is on hold.

Resume Call / Remove Call from Hold

To remove the hold and continue the conversation with the other party, press the Resume softkey or the Hold .

On a handheld phone model the left button will become the Resume button.

Placing Multiple Calls On Hold

Receiving A Call

To place multiple calls on hold simultaneously, simply answer the next incoming call. This automatically places the first call on hold.

Making A Call

If you are initiating a new call when you already have an active call, place the existing call on hold by pressing the Hold softkey.

Press the New Call softkey.

Dial the new number to connect to and press press the Call softkey.

After 4 seconds of keypad inactivity the phone will automatically dial the displayed digits if you have not pressed the Call softkey.

Switching Between Calls On Hold

To move between calls, press the up or down arrow on the phone to move between the calls. The phone's screen will display which call is currently the selected call. 

In the following table we can see extension 108 has three calls in progress. Note the two selected page indicators in the images, indicated with arrows.
  1. The first is call 1 of 3 with extension 110, and is on hold. The call is on hold indicated by the hold/pause icon on screen and the Resume call softkey.
  2. The second is call 2 of 3 with extension 104, and is on hold. The call is on hold indicated by the hold/pause icon on screen and the Resume call softkey.
  3. The third is call 3 of 3 with extension 107, and is the active call. The call is the the active call indicated by the icon on screen and the Hold call softkey.
Call 1 with extension 110 - on hold
Call 2 with extension 104 - on hold
Call 3 with extension 107  - active call

The phone will display an indicator in the top-right corner of the screen which indicates how many calls are being handled by the phone currently, and which call you have selected. e.g. 3/5 is the third call of a total of 5 calls. For further illustration, in the following image we see that the current active call is the first call of 2 total calls.

Two Calls On Hold

Yealink phones have a different set of softkeys when you have two calls on your phone - one call on hold, one call actively speaking. There is not a softkey to place both calls on hold. Instead, you will see a Swap softkey and a Conference softkey. With the call selected as the active call, press the Hold button to place both calls on hold. When you have three or more calls, there is a Hold softkey and a New Call softkey.

Maximum Calls On Hold

The easy answer for the maximum calls on hold is five. This is a factor of the phone model* and the call direction. If you have five calls on your phone, then any additional incoming calls are not received. However, (the complicated answer) while you have 5 calls on your phone you may make additional calls out and you may place them on hold, going beyond the five.

The phone will display an indicator in the top-right corner of the screen which indicates how many calls are being handled by the phone currently, and which call you have selected. e.g. 3/5 is the third call of a total of 5 calls. In the following image we see that the current active call is the first of 2.
*Handheld phones have a limitation of two calls simultaneously - regardless of being on hold or actively speaking.

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