Call Block

Call Block

Blocking Calls

Incoming Calls

The Call Block application is useful to block spam, fraudulent, and other unwanted calls. This application can be used to block Inbound calls and Outbound calls. Users can block calls from specific caller ID Name or caller ID Number. To block incoming calls, follow these steps.

Log into your penguin account.
Select the Applications menu.
Select the Call Block menu item

Click on the Add button to create a new call block

The page is divided into two sections: manual entry (top section) and recent calls (bottom section). The easiest method to add a call block is from the recent calls section on the bottom of the page. 

Block Recent Calls

In the recent calls section add a check mark on the call(s) you wish to block and press the Block button. This will add a call block for the caller ID number(s) you have selected. It does not add a call block for the caller ID number. For blocking the caller ID name, use the manual call block method section below.

By default the Inbound recent calls are displayed. You can select Outbound from the list if you are wanting to block calls out from your phone(s) to an external number.

By default the calls are blocked for all extensions in which you have administrative rights to perform actions for. You can select All or select a specific extension to block calls to and from.

The default call block action is to Reject a call, which ends the call. Depending upon your access level you could select actions like Reject, Busy, Hold, an extension, or a voicemail box. 

Manually Block 

In the top section we can manually add a call block. by populating the fields with the appropriate data.

Direction: Inbound call or Outbound dropdown. Use the default Inbound to block a call from an external entity that is calling you.
Extension: All or individual extensions dropdown. Use the default All to block for all calls. You will only see the list of extensions in which you have forms of administration for.
Name: Block a specific caller ID name. Enter the caller ID name exactly how it will be spelled. This is a case sensitive field.
A call from "John Doe" will not be block if the call block caller ID name has been entered as "john doe"
Number: Block a specific caller ID number. 
You can enter a "1" in the Country Code field. However, it is easier to include the country code in the Number field if the country code is required. Examples of Caller ID Numbers: "2095551234" and "12095551234".
You may add data to both the caller ID name and caller ID number fields. Be aware that both fields must be a perfect match to accurately block. For that reason we recommend populating only one of these fields.
ActionReject , Busy, Hold, an extension, or a voicemail box dropdown. Reject ends the call and is the preferred action.
Enabled: Select enabled (default) for the call block to be active.
Description: Add a useful text to help you identify the call block entry. 

Once you have populated each field correctly, press the Save button.

You can always edit a call block entry later to make any necessary adjustments. Each field can be changed at any time, including enabling and disabling the entry.

Outgoing Calls

The steps for blocking outgoing calls is the same as with incoming calls, except you will select Outbound in the direction dropdowns.

Variations in Caller ID Name and Caller ID Number Examples

You may find it useful to enter multiple variations of a Caller ID Name or Caller ID Number if an entity you wish to block has variations in the caller ID information. The following table lists variations from fraudulent caller to consider blocking.

Caller ID Name
Caller ID Number
John Doe
john doe


John Doe

With this set of variations of a fraudulent caller, we could add multiple call blocks to capture each one of these like the below to ensure we are blocking each attempt:

Explanation Of The Examples In More Detail

In the four call block examples illustrated above we see calls are being blocked where:

(left to right) 
1. The direction of each entry is Incoming
2. For All extensions
3. Calls from "12095551234", "2095551234", "John Doe", and "john doe"
4. We see how many times calls from each of these calls have been blocked after the call block has been created.
5. The action for each call block is to Reject (hang up/end) the call.
6. Each call block entry is currently enabled.
7. The date and time in which the call blocks were created.
8. And the optional description typed for each call block entry. This helps us better identify the entry in the future.

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